Demystifying Male Menopause | Donaldson Plastic Surgery-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网

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By Dr. Marguerite Weston |

Demystifying “Male Menopause”

Male Menopause

What Men Can Do To Feel Better Later In Life

Menopause is a well-known phenomenon in women, 常以一系列自然的身体和情感变化为特征的. However, 重要的是要认识到,随着年龄的增长,男性也会经历荷尔蒙变化和相关症状. This condition is often referred to as “Male Menopause, “Andropause” or more technically, “Late-Onset Hypogonadism.”

What Is Male Menopause? 

“男性更年期”指的是男性睾酮水平随着年龄的增长而下降. It typically occurs in middle-aged and older men, usually starting in their late 40s to early 50s, although it can happen earlier in some cases. Unlike the abrupt hormonal changes in women during menopause, Male Menopause involves a gradual decline in testosterone levels.

What Are The Symptoms Of Male Menopause?


Physical Symptoms:

  1. Fatigue: Reduced daily energy levels and increased tiredness.
  2. Loss of Muscle Mass: Difficulty in maintaining muscle strength and mass.
  3. Increased Body Fat: Especially around the abdomen.
  4. Erectile Dysfunction: Decreased testicular volume, 自发性勃起减少,难以达到/维持勃起.
  5. Hot Flashes: Sudden and intense warmth or sweating.

Emotional Symptoms:

  1. Mood Swings: Irritability, depression and anxiety.
  2. Lack of Motivation: Reduced drive and enthusiasm.
  3. Difficulty Concentrating: Cognitive changes, including memory issues.
  4. Sleep Disturbances: Insomnia or poor-quality sleep.
  5. Libido: Reduced overall interest in sexual desire.

“许多男性并没有意识到睾酮水平不佳与心血管或代谢等慢性疾病之间的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台. 简单的生活方式改变可以改善睾丸激素和整体健康状况.”

-Dr. Marguerite Weston

What Are The Causes Of Male Menopause?

男性更年期的主要原因是自然衰老过程. Testosterone levels in men tend to decrease by about 1% per year after the age of 30. 然而,其他因素可能导致这种下降,包括:

  • Obesity: Excess body fat can lead to higher estrogen levels and lower testosterone levels.
  • Chronic Illness: 糖尿病和心脏病等疾病会影响激素的产生.
  • Medications: 一些药物,如阿片类药物和类固醇,可以降低睾丸激素水平.
  • Stress: Chronic stress can lead to hormonal imbalances.
  • Sleep Apnea: 阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停会对睡眠的数量和质量产生负面影响, which plays a role in testosterone production. Fragmented sleep, less REM sleep and reduced deep sleep all can lead to lower testosterone
  • Lifestyle Factors: 缺乏运动和不良的饮食习惯会导致荷尔蒙的变化.

How Is Male Menopause Diagnosed?

诊断男性更年期通常包括症状评估的组合, 身体检查和血液测试来测量睾丸激素水平. 排除其他可能模仿男性更年期症状的医疗条件是至关重要的, such as thyroid disorders or depression. 这使得咨询董事会认证的功能健康专家在整个过程中至关重要. 

What Are The Average Testosterone Scores By Age?

医疗保健专业人员的普遍共识是,在考虑睾酮替代疗法时,男性总睾酮最常见的范围是300 - 1050纳克/分升. 

Age RangeMost Common Total Testosterone Range
12 – 18 years old300 – 1,000 ng/dL
19 – 30 years old300 – 1,000 ng/dL
31 – 50 years old300 – 950 ng/dL
51 – 70 Years Old240 – 850 ng/dL
71 years & older190 – 750 ng/dL

What Is Testosterone Responsible For?

  • Sexual development, libido & fertility 
  • Muscle mass & strength 
  • Bone health
  • Prostate health
  • Fat distribution & energetic metabolism
  • Red blood cell production
  • Voice deepening
  • Facial & body hair growth
  • Cognitive function & a sense of well-being

“Although a decrease in testosterone is expected as men age, deteriorating bone health, 肌肉量的减少和性健康的恶化是不可接受的. 仅仅因为它是“正常的”并不意味着你必须忍受负面症状.”

-Dr. Marguerite Weston
How To Treat Male Menopause

How To Treat Male Menopause 

男性更年期的管理侧重于找到症状的根本原因和优化整体健康. In some cases, 具体症状将通过临时措施加以处理,直到根本问题得到解决或得到适当控制. Treatment options most often include:

  • Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT): In some cases, 睾酮替代疗法(TRT)可能建议在医疗监督下恢复激素水平到最佳范围.
  • Lifestyle Changes: Adopting a healthy lifestyle can significantly improve symptoms. 这包括有规律的锻炼、均衡的饮食、压力管理和充足的睡眠.
  • Psychological Support: 澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网或咨询可以帮助男性应对情绪症状,并提供改善他们心理健康的策略.
  • Medication: 某些药物可以用来澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网特定的症状, 比如澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网情绪波动的抗抑郁药或澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网勃起功能障碍的药物.
  • Regular Health Checkups: 常规的医疗检查和测试对于监测整体健康和激素水平至关重要.

You Deserve To Feel Your Best — No Matter Your Age! 

Male Menopause, or Late-Onset Hypogonadism, is a natural part of the aging process for men. 虽然它可能不像女性更年期那样广为人知或引人注目, 它仍然会对你的身心健康产生重大影响. 认识到症状并寻求适当的诊断和澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网可以帮助您更轻松地度过生命的这一阶段,并提高生活质量. 

Dr. Marguerite Weston Author Bio Photo

About The Author

Dr. Marguerite Weston 是俄亥俄州哥伦布市认证的功能性健康专家. She often employs hormone therapy as part of her comprehensive wellness plans, 除了战略性地改变生活方式来帮助她的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台活得更长更好. Dr. 韦斯顿一直在寻找现代的方法来解决当今男性面临的一些最紧迫的健康问题, including Male Menopause, weight management concerns and more. 

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